Tapping Noise from engine


While driving this morning ive noticed a tapping noise coming from the engine, the faster I drive, the quicker it gets! Defo not a knocking noise and seems to be coming from the top of the engine. No mods to engine, not mapped but use a full bottle of Lucas with every tank. Bit hard to explain, its not very loud, honestly like a ticking sound. Ive heard of tappets before making similar noise on my old mondeo, could this be it? What sorts this out!

Any ideas? Anything need urgent attention?

did u change oil recently? sometimes if you use different grade oil it can make the tappets louder i think
I changed it 6000 k ago, due to be changed in another 2000 k, and I used the goo stuff, been reading up about it and not supposed to be harmfull, more annoying than anything else
Quote by Scoobymaniac in another thread....

"Subaru use a bucket and shim arrangement for valve clearance not tappets".

"Could be valve clearance alright"
I had very bad tappetty noises coming from the engine, one engine flush and oil change later and its minty mint mint quiet as a mouse!