How to reset ECU?


Octane Boostaholics
Hey Guys,

pretty basic question, how do I reset ECU so it evaluates everything again from scratch? I think I have taken bad batch of petrol again and the car performs badly again, but its like 3 tanks ago, but the car still underperforms. Dave last time reset the ECU and it was fine again.

As far as I have been told, it can be done by the plug under steering wheel? Would reconnecting battery work? How long does the battery needs to be uplugged?
newage onwards, you should buy an elm bluetooth & torque app, costs about 12euro total and you can read/reset ecu

or just disconnect the battery and leave it overnight but you'll lose all your radio channels if that concerns you!
headunit has its own memory, so it remembers the radios. I have unplugged the battery, so lets hope it will help and see what happens. Its another step in identifying whats wrong with that... as I could see loads of NA imprezas are complaining about this in ireland that it comes and goes from time to time...

I still think its the oversensitive knocking sensor, since all values that Dave got back in the time were fine...

Edit: I guess I could use that obd reader, do they sell it somewhere here in Dublin in store, or do I have to order it online? Do you know where I could order it from?
i just ordered mine from ebay, then Torque App from Google Play store
reset ECU worked... sweet, drives like new again... How long does it take to the ECU till it learns new stuff from reset?