Hello to all

Thanks a million, everyone, for the welcome. You certainly know how to give someone that 'I belong' feeling!
Will post a pic or two tonight if I can.
Just as an FYI, my legacy is still for sale on carzone, 13 months after I traded it in. I feel so sorry for it, I'd nearly buy it back!
That car only had 17k miles done when I bought it and drives as good as new.

Welcome to the land of the nutty and interesting mate.....

We are all a bit nutty on here and there are some very very interesting cars being driven by the members......

Hope ya enjoy.....

Lovely motor :clap: :clap:


Thanks lads.
Thanks scooby1wrx for puttin up my pics. I took them today while I was visiting the bank in Mervue.
The car is more or less as I bought it. All I did was put on the mudflaps.
I got new tyres last week as well so I'm back to driving on rails again! :icon_grin: