standar V1-V2 recirculating valve


Well-known member
ISDC Club Member
looking for one for the RS, if anyone has one lying around pm or text me 0879496346
I have 1 on the legacy if your stuck for 1 Johnny as not using it don't have a spare 1 of them :thumbsup:
ah your grand joe im not stuck for one at all, ive a turbosmart compact adjustable dump valve on the RS and I cant get used to it even though I have it fitted years, im getting too old I think:icon_cry: just want to get a normal one for a while until I want that psssssh sound again when drivin on:desismileys_6328::subaru:
62 sterling for one on import cart parts and 40 sterling upwards on ebay, how the fook are they so pricey:dontknow: