New Tax and VRT


Sunday Drivers
I am here different stories about the changes to tax and vrt, can someone point me to something official
Is tax going up by a percentage or will it be fixed at 2000 ?
Think its going up depending on emissions with max set around 2000.00
.May only be for cars purchased from this year but couldnt be certain.

Thats me fu**ed one way or the other.Better start saving though tax not up till august.
C**TS thats an extra 75 a week.Better excuse to do more overtime

as far as i know all tax for cars is or has gone up 9 % but anything bought/imported after july of this year will be taxed on emissions and a subaru has a high co2 level so good news for cars here but after july you will pay more vrt on a subaru and as far as i know the tax will be €2000 you can look up  and the rates