Bonnet Scoop


Need some opinions lads and I'd ask you lot before anyone else...
My bonnet scoop is in bad nick...the lacquer has peeled and the paint is 17 different shades on it. (seems to be the case on a good few legacys I've seen) I'm considering respraying it but I wanna know what you woud think if it was done black? Or will I just go with the car colour? Its just a mad idea thats popped into my head and I wanna see what the general opinion of my madness is?

Ask gary, (Kane from the west) too do a photoshop of it with some good angle photo's from you, i've seen a few galanza's with it, some looked sh*t and some looked good. So hit and miss, Photoshop is a good way too see what it will look like before you do it, And gary is deadly at it. :thumbsup:

Best of luck and keep us updated

take it off and just spray it gloss /matt black with a aerosol can and set it on and if you like get it painted properly black and if not get it painted properly blue :thumbsup:
there is a silver Wrx in Arklow with da bonnet scoop and mid section of da boot spoiler sprayed black , not really my cup of tea much prefer the colour coded route my self ,
If you want Rob, i'll meet you sometime with mine and you can swap it over. See what you think that way! :thumbsup: